
Climate change and the right to food and water

Conference by Prof. Dr. Martin Holle

Rendez-vous du dimanche / Sunday conference
October 1st 2017, 15h, at the Dudelange-Usines Railway station

Conference by Prof. Dr. Martin Holle,
Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (HAW), Hamburg

The right to food and clean water is a substantial part of many international agreements and national constitutions. The reality looks different in many parts of the world for economical and institutional reasons.

The growing pressure on natural resources due to climate change makes it even more difficult to defend these rights, whole regions will not be able to maintain their level of agricultural production, the rising sea temperature can have catastrophic effects on local fisheries. Reduced availability of surface water, the melting of glaciers and the salinization of sweet water sources are risks for the safe supply of drinking water.

The 2015 Paris Agreement does recognize a link between climate change and the realization of human rights but does not take binding engagements. Solutions for causalities of different activities, responsibilities of different states and environmental destruction across borders are still to be found.

In collaboration with the Association Museo Roberto Joppolo
In the framework of the exhibition « In cammino – en chemin »
Conference in English – free entrance